Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Propaganda Continues: Gun Laws Equal Fewer Gun Deaths

Link to Yahoo -- I know there's another better report on this out there that goes into more detail.  I'll add that if and when I have time to look for it.

The bottom line on this is that the study includes suicides.  People who want to commit suicide and have firearms tend to use firearms for the attempt, especially males.  People who don't have easy access to firearms and want to commit suicide use carbon monoxide, hemp, gravity, etc.

Also, the whole concept of a "gun death rate" can be extremely misleading.  How many of those deaths are the result of self-defense shooting?  How many are accidental?  We would certainly expect a higher rate of accidents where there is a higher rate of access and ownership.

Compare the murder rate in New Jersey to the murder rate in Oklahoma.  That's really the issue.   

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