Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do Not Invade My Old Kentucky Home

A 92-year-old veteran of WWII shot and killed a thief who broke into his home.

The homeowner, Earl Jones, 92, was awakened and grabbed his .22 caliber rifle.
Now, of course, ".22 caliber" does not mean .22LR, so it is not clear what kind of rifle the gentleman was using.  It could have been a .22 centerfire varmint rifle.  I'm pretty sure it was not an AR-clone or we would have read "assault rifle".  Most likely, though, Mr. Jones grabbed his squirrel rifle.  

A .22 rimfire, as we have noted before, is a deadly weapon.  The perpetrator in this case got exactly what was coming to him.  These parasitic predators focused on stealing from a man who had not only served his country but worked for everything he had.  Like all predators, they looked for the weakest, most vulnerable prey.  They took his property because it was easiest.  I can virtually guarantee that an older farmer who had worked on airplanes like Mr. Jones is a little hard of hearing.  These creeps thought their predations would go undetected.  Fortunately, they were wrong and now one "has ceased from troubling", and his two accomplices will be doing some jail time. 

This is exactly why there are Castle Doctrines and Stand Your Ground laws (compare and contrast).  Young bucks like these three can easily attack, overpower and even kill an older, weaker person, especially three on one.  God bless Sam Colt, Eliphalet Remington, Oliver Winchester, John Browning, Bill Ruger, et al. 

Even it up. 

Also from No Lawyers -- remember in November.  I do not like being political here, but "assault weapons bans" and "gun show loopholes" are among the reasons I will never, ever vote for a Democrat.  

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