Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Only Good Terrorist

I have assumed that the situation with Chechen Muslims is probably unique to Russia.  I can't imagine a group in America doing something similar.  But I could not imagine deluded and delusional savages flying planes into the World Trade Center before that horrible morning. 

Read about the Beslan Massacre here.  Yes, speaking of savages, I'm glad to know that such beasts will face an inescapable and inexorable judgment. 

Despite what the press and the administration tries to tell, most of us understand that we are, once again, under attack by Islam.  We need to be truthful about the situation and put politics aside.  The Muslim world is being unified and emboldened to strike at the West, America and Israel in particular. 

These are not amateurs we are up against.  Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, and the police are all trying to prevent the last attack.  The next attack is coming, and it will not be the same.  It may be something like Beslan, or it may be something else altogether, but it is coming.  There's a good chance that our "experts" will be caught flat-footed. 


  1. My sister has survived two terrorist attacks, both at the WTC. On 9/11 she was in the second tower to be hit. Once the first tower was hit, drawing upon her experience from 1993 bombing, she didn't waste time going to the windows but prudently headed for the stairway. She was at the 27th floor (iirc) when her building was hit. The stariwell shook so much she thought the building was going to collapse upon her. Once the shaking stopped she slipped off her heels and proceeded more switfly down the stairs out the door and didn't look back. She then walked the couple miles home. Thank God she missed all the bodies and horror.

    I hate these guys.

  2. Wow, a cool head and decisiveness are great assets. Thank God is right.
