Friday, March 2, 2012

Reality Therarpy

The markets are off a little today and the euro is slipping.  I find myself perversely pleased with this.  We have kicked this around a little, and it is hard to explain.  Unlike the Joker, I do not want to watch the world burn.  In fact I rather it did not, which is, perhaps paradoxically, what lies at the root of my desire to see things "blow up".

You see, there are people who have been telling us for years that all is well.  Paul Krugman who has Ph.Ds and a Nobel Prize and thus must know much more than I know, says that government deficits are not like household debt.  Government debts do not need to be paid off.  We can run deficits to no end.  The bankers in Europe are saying much the same thing and vow to hold the euro together. 

I do not want a financial crisis.  I want reality therapy for governments, politicians, bureaucrats, and people like Bernanke, Buffett, Soros, and Goldman-Sachs.  I want these people to be forced to face their lies and deception.  People are being fleeced and their saving destroyed even as government stooges assure us that we need not be alarmed.  I doubt that most of the financial manipulators are out to destroy our liberty and turn us into state-owned slaves or subject us to tyranny and dictatorships.  They may even be surprised when the strongman (or strongwoman) arises in Greece or Italy, France or Germany or even in America, but surprised or not, there is a good chance  things will head that way just as they did in Germany after the disastrous Treaty of Versailles and the fall of the Weimar Republic. 

I want to see the villains driven to the wall.  I want to see the dishonest and the deceitful, the stupid and deluded all admit that they were wrong.  I want banks to have to have capital before they can loan it out.  I want governments to do away with deficit spending funded by the central bankers who then exert such influence on  policies.  I would like to see governments reduced to a minimum.   I would like for the productive to have more and better than the non-productive, but  I would also like for there to be more of the productive.  

I like to see people building and creating and growing things.  Cruising around the internet encourages my optimism.  From the proliferation of people interested in heirloom seeds to the Open Source community to the guys who can turn a junked DT350 into a work of art, there are a lot of good people doing good things.  It is time they were told the truth.   


  1. So, Mushroom. I see you are anti-fat cat. Nice. I never suspected.

    Why don't you go over and kick GDB around a little bit? He needs a talking to about his attitude.

    He would let the bankers have their way with us, so long as they go to church.

    Put on your troll suit and get busy; let the truth reign.

  2. Hey, OT, how are you doing? It's not so much that I'm anti-fat cat. I am anti-deception. I don't like to be lied to, by Republicans or Democrats.

    While the solution is not necessarily getting them to go to church, it is spiritual transformation. And that is what Bob deals in -- as I try to do on my other blog. Ultimately, there is no "political" solution.

    What I do here is encourage people who are not so spiritually oriented at the moment to make physical and mental preparations for what I strongly suspect is coming down the road.

    The reason you and I can get along is that, if you chart my beliefs on one of those political X-Y, I will come out slightly anarchist-libertarian. I understand what you do, and I appreciate it. I'm always happy to chat with you.

  3. Can't argue with that. I think I would like my world view validated and unfortunately that would require the present financial and possibly governmental system to collapse but at least I would get the satisfaction of knowing we saw things like they really were. Also, I would like justice and would rather not have our wealth stolen from us. I believe this is where the OWSers and I agree.

    Hey there OT! Got your guns, gold, and food stockpiled? (I mock myself)

  4. Hey John, Mushroom.

    Yes I have stockpiles of all of the above. Not huge quantities, mind you.

    How about you guys?

  5. Shhh, you are not supposed to tell. OPSEC. :)

    The main thing is to stay a little ahead of the curve. The last thing you want is to be rushing to the store when everybody else is. Water is critical. I have a deep well, a spring, and a couple million gallons of pretty clean surface water, so I'm in fair shape there.

    If it goes too long, I might have to start killing zombies for coffee, though.
