Friday, August 7, 2015


An example of irony deficiency: an ESPN host asks why we take Trump seriously.

ESPN, where you spend your whole day wrapped up in the outcomes of children's games.  

You know that syndrome they talk about where people are too dumb to realize how dumb they are? 

Seriously, think about this.

Al Franken is a senator.  Obama is president.  Biden is vice-president.  Hillary Clinton ..., etc.

The bar is in the subbasement, on the floor.   It can't go any lower. 

Lawrence Welk's bubble machine had more gravitas than Joe Biden. 

Calling Hillary Clinton a corrupt, arrogant pig of a politician is an insult to the corrupt, arrogant pig-politician community.

But Donald Trump, who is not the guy I would pick first to run the country, is not to be taken seriously.

I think I got it.


  1. That is rich, lol. Now, I don't seriously consider Trump to be a conservative, but neither do I think Bush or Graham is.
    And as you point out, looking at our current crop of leadership, or lack thereof, the bar for seriousness has never been so low to nonexistent.

    Regardless, all of the decisions these politicians make affect our lives, as will the candidates if any of them get elected, so we better take them seriously, and seriously consider who will be the best option.

    In fact, it would be better if more people took them all seriously.
    It's tempting to just throw up my hands and ignore it all, but we are in the mess we are now in because too many people have done that.

  2. "It's tempting to just throw up my hands and ignore it all, but we are in the mess we are now in because too many people have done that."

    I have succumbed to that temptation.
