Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eight Minutes via Joan of Argghh! -- Zimmerman's Former Lawyers speak

Go to Primordial Slack and watch this.  Go right now. 

You can push the video forward to the 28:00 mark if you are in a hurry. 

Do not be in such a hurry that you do not watch it.

Zimmerman has a self-defense case.  Not a "stand your ground" case.  If you are on the ground with your head being pounded against the pavement, and you shoot the "unarmed teen" who is beating you, it is self-defense.

I hate the media.  There is no excuse for the way the mainstream journalists have edited, skewed, manipulated, and twisted the FACTS in this case to create racial strife and chum the waters for Obama and the leftists in this country.  There are plenty of people who need to be in jail.  It is highly unlikely that George Zimmerman is one of those people.  Al Sharpton should be in jail.  Whoever the scum was at MSNBC that edited the 911 tape should be in jail.  Jesse Jackson should probably be in jail.

These professional leftist agitators are going to have innocent blood on their hands if they get their way.    


  1. 'srhoom? Is this your crib? Nice place. Needs some throw pillows. . .


  2. Thank you. You know what they say, "Manly, yes, but I like it, too."

  3. Thanks Joan and Mush. This is ugly. I wanted to be fair and not judge until more facts came out. It's looking more and more like self-defense. These race agitators are dangerous and evil.

  4. Right. Even if there were evidence to fit the original story which was pitched to sound as if this crazy white supremacist Zimmerman chased down a little black kid who was running for his life with a bag of Skittles, the racial component would be dangerous. As it is, you have to say it is evil.

    The scary part is that even ten or twelve years ago, the media would have gotten away with this clean.

    And there's another bad side to the story. As the media has now effectively gone all in to destroy their own credibility, when there is a legitimate incident -- as happened down in Texas with the racist murder of James Byrd -- are we even going to believe them? I'm going to question it because they have proven they will only tell the truth in order to set you up for their next big lie.
