Monday, October 28, 2013

Angry White Men

They say this like it's a bad thing:

The Republican Party’s 16-day temper tantrum over Obamacare shuttered large parts of the U.S. government and left 800,000 civil servants sitting at home without pay. In the Washington area alone, that translated to $217 million a day in lost wages.
If we can furlough hundreds of thousands of "non-essential" government workers with very minimal effects, does it occur to any of the brilliant elites that those workers might be, oh, I don't know, non-essential?  In other words, they are essential only to lowering the unemployment rate.  A non-essential government worker is a welfare recipient in a suit with an office and a commute. 

Most of the Maclean's article linked above is a fairly typical celebration of the demise of the straight, white male.  The problem with such analysis is that it focuses on race and sex rather than the root which is the tyrannical expansion of government intrusiveness.  I'm not upset about the president's skin color but his policies.  By the estimation of the leftists, I should have been very happy back in the good old days of the Clinton administration when a white southerner was in office.  I was not.  I am pretty sure that more white males voted for George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole than voted for Bill Clinton. 
After all, the vast majority of men have quietly adapted to the last few decades of change at home, in the workplace, and the public sphere, he notes. And those who haven’t are more like dinosaurs than America’s founding patriots. “They don’t have the skill set—emotionally, psychologically, or socially—to cope,” he says. “They’ve staked their claim in the downwardly mobile marketplace.”
 What the left is eventually going to have to face is that "emotional, psychological, or social" skills generally don't get food on the table, the houses or cars built, the websites working, or the bills paid.  Suck-up skills, though, are the only skills some people have.

The deficit game world-wide is running its course.  Obamacare is already a failure because the whole premise is that people who don't need health insurance will agree to pay the bills for those who are very sick.  Those of us who are angry are angry because we're being asked to pay, not just for what is unnecessary but for what is counterproductive and destructive. 

Maybe the title of the article should be changed to Angry People Who Can Do Arithmetic.    


  1. I started to read that article, then attempted to scan it and got REALLY ANGRY.
    Nothing like having one's beliefs mischaracterized and dismissed as being hopelessly old-fashioned to make one a little peeved.

    Thanks for venturing over to the other side and reporting back.

  2. It was dark.

    We're just haters, and they are right because they have the demographics in their favor. Strangely it seems that when the numbers went the other way, they complained about injustice.
