Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lying to Congress

Did you know that Hillary Clinton was one of the Congressional staff attorneys working to expose Richard Nixon in the Watergate investigation?  Can you tell me how many people died as a result of the Watergate break-in?

Hillary Clinton lied to Congress.  She lied publicly in her testimony.  She lied under oath. 

House GOP faults Clinton.

Saying "GOP" makes it sound political.  This is the report of a Congressional committee.  Yes, I'm sure the Democrats on the committee disagreed with the conclusions, but the facts are not really in dispute.  From the CBS link -- chosen because it's not Fox:

... Clinton approved security reductions at the consulate, pointing to evidence such as an April 2012 State Department cable bearing her signature.
I'm pretty sure Clinton said this didn't happen, but there is her signature.  She lied.

... after a Sept. 15, 2012 meeting, administration officials removed references to the likely participation of Islamic extremists.

The report also contradicts administration claims that the talking points were changed to protect classified information. None of the email exchanges reviewed ever mentioned a concern about classified information, according to the report.

There is no question about this.  Emails were altered and both the altered emails and the originals were found in the archives.  The Obama administration tried to divert attention to the Youtube video so as not to lose the positive spin from the "Arab Spring" narrative and Obama continuing support for the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies in Libya. 

This was a coverup.  Islamic radicals, armed and funded by American dollars, attacked a U.S. consulate and murdered American citizens.  Obama refused to call it terrorism.  The media covered for him and Clinton, and we are stuck with this despicable weasel for four more years.  Not that Romney would have been much of an improvement, but at least the media would have attacked him. 


  1. I'm inured to it. I don't even react because I now assume they always lie. On the other hand, these facts are good to know because it's a reality check.

    But here's the question. Has it always been so? I only have this lifetime's perspective.

  2. I think it has always been thus, which is one of the reasons the Founders set up a central government the way they did. We expect people who seek power to be corrupt and/or corruptible. Since it's a given that people cannot be trusted, the best thing to do is draw legal boundaries and limit the damage they can do.

    Hillary and Obama are just symptoms. Government has reached a critical mass where it's like a cancer that just wants to sustain itself and grow bigger. It will protect those who are most committed to feeding and maintaining it. And that's probably the difference between now and a hundred years ago. People have always sought their own interests and will lie like dogs when they think they can get away with it. Human nature hasn't changed.
