Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Repugnant and Cowardly ... but Accurate ...

... to paraphrase Ol' Dan Rather ...

The White House is not happy with the new NRA ad.

Because, you know, the president would never use children as props in his speech.

I am so tempted to say something vulgar and profane at this point.

What was it the NRA did that was "cowardly and repugnant"?  They pointed out that there are armed guards at the school attended by the Obama children.  There are also armed guards 24 hours a day, every day of the year around any president and his family.  Former holders of the office have security for themselves -- at taxpayer expense.

The NRA is not complaining about this.  We are not suggesting that Obama and his children should not have protection; we are simply saying that if one is worried about the threat of violence, there is a way to prepare for, if not prevent it in most cases.

What's the matter?  Does that "elitist" stuff hit a little too close to the truth?  Is that how you worthless, unproductive, incompetent morons think of yourselves?  Do you really think you are better and more worthy of protection than the rest of us?  Does the point slip down into your conscience like a thorn in the flesh and make you just a little bit uncomfortable?  We think you protest too much.

I do not need armed security because I can take care of myself.  Part of that involves making myself a smaller, less obvious target -- an alternative not available to those in the stage lights of "public service".  I begrudge no one in the office of the Presidency the protection of the Secret Service -- not even that slimy, odious miscreant Bill Clinton or his disgusting, lying wife.  I feel sorry for the Secret Service detail, but that's another story.

I simply ask that I be allowed to use the best means available to assure, as much as possible, the safety of myself and my family, that I not be denied the right of any human anywhere at any time in history, the right to self-defense.  My skills do not approach those of the Secret Service, but I have passed law enforcement qualifying requirements, and I am a much better shooter today than I was way back then.  But even if I barely knew one end of the gun from the other, there would be no justification for denying me access to the tools I need. 

If the NRA were a left-wing, anti-freedom group shouting slurs at George Bush, the press would laud them as "speaking truth to power", to use an overused phrase favored by the self-righteous.  They would be called brave, because, the truth is, they are.  We are.  We have to stand up to this oppression.  We have to push back.  It's not that we like it or feel comfortable with it.  We certainly don't feel brave, but we are tired.  We are tired of being robbed, not just of our money, but our rights and our dignity by a bunch of thugs and bullies who hide behind better men and women with guns and armor and badges. 

I am a free man.   I will not be your subject.  I will not be your slave, and I will not be disarmed.  You will get someone else to do your fighting for you, if – and God forbid that it ever does – if it should come to that.  Nevertheless, their blood and the blood of more innocents – innocents you, by your sick, twisted lust for power and control, led like lambs to the slaughter, will be on your hands.  You might get a law passed.  You might get a judge or nine to back you up.  You might force men into chains with your staged spectacles, your feigned indignation, your deceit and deception. 

Understand one thing, fool, you will stand, one day before your Maker and the only righteous Judge, and you will answer Him.  You will answer for every false and idle word you spill like bloody vomit from your filthy lips.  I don’t care if you don’t believe it.  In fact, I would almost prefer you didn’t. 


  1. Wife and I just renewed our NRA membership today. Good on them to create this ad.

    They are definitely provoking us. I tell myself we survived an assault weapons ban in the past because, over time, this country swung back to the right and had it repealed. I'm almost convinced now, based partly on yesterday's HOUSE passing of the Sandy Pork bill, that there might not be enough conservatives in the House to prevent some of that nightmare leglislation from passing.

    As DrewM. as AOSHQ said today,

    "A conservative country that claims to support smaller government doesn’t elect Barack Obama not once but twice (no matter how awful Romney was)."

    Even though this country swings right and left, the trend is leftward. Very demoralizing.

  2. It is. People have simply abandoned the idea of liberty and think that the government can give them a job, a house, health care and a life. They think it's the government's job to protect them.

    You would think the good Christian folks in the African-American community who have seen what the cops do sometimes would realize the question is, who is going to protect us from the government?
