Sunday, May 13, 2012

Euro Printing

John Mauldin says Germany has surrendered to inflating the currency. 

It's not too surprising.  Germany has to choose euro inflation or a quick, possibly unilateral departure from the EMU and the euro.  I suppose the Germans could go along with the EU version of quantitative easing and, once things stabilize a little, dump the euro and return to the mark. 

And by "stabilize" I mean that the various government debts are maintained temporarily with increasingly worthless euros. 

Theoretically, this should be a boon to the dollar.  More likely, it will be a good excuse for Bernanke and Co. to do the same thing -- print and buy federal and state debt -- here. 

1 comment:

  1. Someone on the Market Ticker compared the dollar-euro dance to the bow and stern of the Titanic. When the bow went under, the stern looked much safer.
