Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another Day, Another Obama Scandal

Where do we begin?  Obama is "outraged" about the IRS.  The story is that the agency is "independent", and, besides, George Bush appointed the current director.  So -- altogether now -- IT'S BUSH'S FAULT.

If the IRS were targeting Planned Infanticide Parenthood or the Southern Poverty Law Center or the NAACP, I might take that somewhat seriously.  As it is, they are targeting groups that Obama opposes.  Just a coincidence, I'm sure, that the new policy began when Obamacare was passed, and that it was very specifically aimed at "Tea Party", patriot, and 9/12 groups.

The IRS does often investigate political speech by tax-exempt entities.  There was an investigation of the NAACP related to the 2004 election.  That's fairly standard stuff, though often applied rather unevenly.  Democrat politicians speaking in traditionally black churches generate a lot less interest than pastors of predominately white churches speaking out on candidates and issues. 

The IRS is a part of Treasury.  It is not independent, and it is a political tool.  One of the charges in Nixon's articles of impeachment was that he had had the IRS go after his enemies.  Clinton likely targeted right-wing churches and non-profits for audits and persecution, and Obama is lying when he says he didn't know about this policy.

Next we see Holder's Justice Department subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters, supposedly looking for a "leak".  This is the Justice Department that has been covering up its gunrunning for years and is now tasked with investigating the IRS abuses.  Seems to me like it would be a really good idea to get a special prosecutor to look into all these issues.  That's what would be done for a Republican president wading around in all these accusations.  

So, we have "Fast and Furious" which was an attempt to "prove" that American guns were going to Mexican drug cartels by making sure they went to the cartels where they were used to kill hundreds of Mexican citizens, an American ICE agent, and Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry.

Then there is Benghazi where the administration got involved in helping remove Gaddafi by arming and supporting Al Qaeda-linked rebels.   For weeks, Obama, Clinton, Susan Rice, and Jay Carney insisted that this "horrific video" had caused a spontaneous protest to erupt into "inexcusable" violence.  They lied and denied because of Obama's very upfront support for the "Arab Spring", and, possibly, because of arms-trafficking.  Clinton and Obama held back support while four Americans were left to die.

Next is the IRS audit scandal which Carney said the White House was informed of "several weeks ago" while Obama said he found out "Friday".

Finally, and this may be it for the week, but it's only Tuesday - we have the Justice Department doing what may be questionable investigations of Associated Press reporters and their phone records.

No one has died in those last two.  Yet. 

But remember, the IRS is going to be the "troops" for implementation of Obamacare.  Why does anybody trust the government to do anything?
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